How to add data to Queue based on Sharepoint List/Form

I want to create a Sharepoint List/Form which will contain some few details like date, number, type etc. and will also contain a datatable containing details of items.

I want to know if there is a possibility of adding data to Queue directly from Sharepoint by connecting via Orchestrator. Or if we can add to Queue manually by creating a dispatcher process. Also in that case how to add to Queue since we cannot add a datatable in Queue.
Assuming there may be 2-3 list/forms for each transaction


You can follow these steps to add datatable to queueitem specific content:

Serialize the DataTable to JSON:
Use JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourDataTable) to convert the DataTable to a JSON string.

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourDataTable);

Add JSON string to the Queue:
Add the serialized JSON string as a queue item using the Add Queue Item activity.

queueItem.SpecificContent("DataTableJson") = json;

In Performer retrieve the JSON string from the Queue this way:
When retrieving the item from the queue, get the JSON string from the queue item’s specific content.

string json = queueItem.SpecificContent("DataTableJson").ToString();

Deserialize the JSON back to DataTable:
Convert the JSON string back to a DataTable using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataTable>(json).

DataTable yourDataTable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataTable>(json);

This way you can achieve this.


On form fill we can send an email with all details

And a dispatcher can be created to read the data from email and fill the queue

Either we can serialize the datatable and add

Or add the message id to queue and in performer itself we can read the data from mail directly and use it instead of adding all data to queue


can we extract directly from sharepoint forms ?

then in this case for a form/file containing huge number of transactions tracking will be difficult as to which row it failed. and if it fails on one row the entire queue item will fail


Form needs to store data some where like to excel or mail or sp list or anywhere …so in any case you can reqd data from those respective sources

Email is one of the easier ways for you to get seggregated data as well


Try using the combination of Power Automate and Orchestrator API call. Technically it should be feasible

It is easy to create a power automate flow with trigger given as Adding a new item to SharePoint list. In the Flow - Try API call to orchestrator.