Here is the task flow
Read data from multiple files of a particular extension (xlsx)
Write data to another sheet
But, apart from both of them, I need to add data to last column of read data
Let say if we have column from A:G then I need to add data in the last + 1 column and loop until to the count of rows
The same happens for all of them
Can someone help me with this, as I am new to UIPath and I am not understanding how this can be done
Hello @Author_Community ,
After you read the excel, add the required column using Add Data Column activity. And then use a for each loop to loop through the datatable and add the value like this:
CurrentRow(“ColumnName”)=Required Value
Hope this helps!
The Add Data column activity is for the data table.
CurrentRow(“ColumnName”) = Required Value
Is the above in the form of VBA ? By Current Row you mean
For Item in the DataTable
Item(“ColName”) = Value
Is this what you meant? Please correct me if I am wrong
Yes, for datatable we can use for each row activity instead of for each. Like this:
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May 26, 2022, 5:51am
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