How to add 5days to date available in excel


I have a column shipdate i am using FOR each DATA TABLE to fetch that row

i want to add 5 days to shipdate value
(Eg: Shipdate value: 11/21/2022+5 days =11/26/22)

I tried but it is not working

Can anyone suggest How to add 5 days to shipdate

Hi @rsr.chandu
Try the below code


Hello @rsr.chandu

You can use modify Date Activity to meet this requirement or you can use the expression .



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Hi @rsr.chandu,

In your For Each Row in DataTable activity, add an Assign activity to pass on the adding with the syntax:

Convert.ToDatetime(Currentrow(“Ship Date”).ToString).AddDays(5).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)

I have also attached a copy of the code for your reference. Thanks.

Kind regards,

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