How to achieve 2 different " for each" at the same time?

Good morning .I have met a problem. I need to write the element which come from "for each elements in excel ", into the UI Elements collection. But i can’t achieve both at the same time, just like Blow picture, i need to extract the value from excel(when i extract one from sheet , it will change to next row) , and then write into the UI element( When i have done one, it will change to next element)

So Is there any fuction like below picture can achieve this process, or have another way to achieve? :disappointed_relieved:


  1. Read the data into datatable dt
  2. Inside for each ui element use dt.Rows(index)("ColumnName").atoString
  3. Index is present in the properties of for eqch ui element…if not currentindex will be available as direct variable


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I don’t know which point i have made a mistake , it doesn’t work :disappointed_relieved:


Read range can be placed before the for loop

When you say it does not work…waht do you mean?


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Thank you very much ~ according to your valuable advice, i solve this problem . :smiley_cat:

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