How Split the datatable in rows

Hi All , I have a datatable and during my processing i want to split the datatable in 4 rows each and perform some actions on those four rows after completing the four next fours i need to pick and perform some action . how can i achieve this can anyone please help me

Hi @vishal_nachankar ,

Refer to the following thread to know about splitting the data table based on number of rows:


Hi @vishal_nachankar

You can use the following query to split the data table into chunks of 4 data rows and process accordingly:

Dim chunks = From i In Enumerable.Range(0, dataTable.Rows.Count)
             Group dataTable.Rows(i) By chunkIndex = i \ 4 Into chunk = Group
             Select chunk.CopyToDataTable()

You can then loop through the chunks collection and perform your desired actions on each data table.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.


actually the four rows which i get right i will use them as a single string… so what is the output type of chunks?


The output type of chunks is IEnumerable(Of DataTable) , which is a collection of DataTable objects. If you want the chunks in a single string, you can use Output Data Table activity for the same.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

Let me try this

Getting error

Getting Error


Please try this. It is exactly same with different chunk size


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