How many possible days require to develop below automation for 01 developer

Total Steps - 565
Total Decision - 184
Complexity - Highly Complex

TYPE - 83
STORE - 13
CLICK - 238

Looking for rough estimate and can’t provider additional details.

Its not possible to give you an answer.

Even with more details, it depends a lot on the experience of said developer and the project solution. Just looking at the numbers you wrote, it clear to me that this shouldn’t be a single process package, but a group of them, each one executing a given step. This is a solution.

What you should do is sit down with the poject architect, and fell by yourself the hole you are getting into to, and then you can give your expectation. Always remeber to add some day in case any problemas happens, and they will.

Thank you for your recommendation. :pray:

In fact, I am in search of an approximate duration, be it in weeks or months, prior to initiating the architectural or project planning phase. Could you provide your insights based on the given statistics and the complexity involved, possibly by referencing a case from any automation project.