Hello Guys,
Good day!
I have data in column A and need to extract only “Amended” and “Corrected”. How to extract please suggest me.
for more details please refer the screen shots.
Thank you,
Hello Guys,
Good day!
I have data in column A and need to extract only “Amended” and “Corrected”. How to extract please suggest me.
for more details please refer the screen shots.
Thank you,
Read Range into a datatable. Filter Data Table on Expected = Amended OR Expected = Corrected.
dt.asenumerable.select(function(a) a(1).tostring<>"").tolist
gives you all the values in a list variable
if you want all the values to print in a single line use this
string.join(",",dt.asenumerable.select(function(a) a(1).tostring<>"").tolist)
sorry it’s not working for me.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the help however it doesn’t work. I tried from my end could you please elaborate a bit more on this? I want to extract data from Column A. added a sample in this Excel.
Hi, @Raghu_km,
You can use the Select Methond and Filter Activity too. I am sharing both solution, please have a look.
Select Method : dtOriginal.Select(“[ColumnName1] = ‘Value1’ AND [ColumnName2] = ‘Value2’”)
What does “it isn’t working” mean? You have to give us details. There isn’t much more to elaborate on with a simple Read Range and Filter. After the Filter you’ll have a datatable with just the rows that have Amended and Corrected. What do you want to do with that data?
You have != selected but amended and corrected are what they want so it should be = with an Or not an And.
Hi @Raghu_km
Use excel file & read range to get the data from excel to datatable
Hope this helps
you can use this it will give only the column A data which are having Amended,Corrected
in a array format
arr_Filenames=dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(a) a(1).ToString.trim.Equals("Amended") or a(1).ToString.trim.Equals("Corrected")).Select(Function(a) a(0).ToString).ToArray
string.join(",",dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(a) a(1).ToString.trim.Equals("Amended") or a(1).ToString.trim.Equals("Corrected")).Select(Function(a) a(0).ToString).ToArray)
gives the output as of string type
You should mark AJ’s reply as the solution, not your own reply.
Thanks for your time and providing the solution. finally its working.
@Raghu_km You just marked your own reply as the solution! I think you are new to the platform; you need to mark the solution to the person whose solution works for you. Cheers!"
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