How does "output ui element" work on "Use application/browser" activity?

Hi all,

Okay, this will probably either be a really dumb question, or a really smart one… I was having some issues in a project when using the “Input element” and “Output element” properties on a “Use browser/application” activity. My issue was that I want to pass the uielement variable between flows, and it needs to contain some dynamic selectors to allow it to keep working between different items that I process. Unfortunately, it happens frequently that the “Use browser/application” couldn’t find my specified uielement. To test if I understood the logic correctly, I made a small test:

  • Use browser/application: go to RPA and Automation Conference 2022 - FORWARD 5 | UiPath, output to var uiOutput1

  • Assign uiOutput2=uiOutput1 (to save the original uielement for comparison)

  • Navigate to

  • New Use Application/browser, input is uiOutput2 (which is the original, that didn’t navigate to Google)

  • Type in the search bar: “wtf is this[enter]”

I expected this to fail, because uiOutput still points to RPA and Automation Conference 2022 - FORWARD 5 | UiPath instead of Google, but to my utter confusion the workflow worked flawlessly. I checked both uielement variables after each step in the flow, and they are always 100% the same. So my question is, are there some hidden properties that UiPath uses to identify the browser session or something? Am I missing something very obvious?


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Can you share your test workflow as a file?


Sure! I appreciate you taking the time to check it out… (2.8 MB)

e.g. getting the innertext attribute value

here you can use all available Attributes (check for this: uiOutput.Attributes)

as you can see under uiOutput.Selector.toString the full Selector (up to Parent) it can be derived on whre the input will act and also can jump out from any scopes (Browser / App, Attach Browser)


UiOutput2 has UiPath.Core.Browser instance. So this means to able to use uiOutput2 like UiPath.Core.Browser.
For example, classic Attach browser will work with UiOutput2 from Use Application/Browser as the following.



This helped me understand a little:

Looking at the attributes, I’m guessing the PID/TID is what helps the scope to find the right session. But doesn’t that make the selector redundant? the “title=‘FORWARD IV’” etc will never match the website, though it attaches it seemlessly?

A more practical idea: maybe I could get the page title (get attribute?) and update the uielement before passing it to the next workflow?

This confused me a bit. I can see how it finds chrome.exe (obviously), but the selector says “title=‘FORWARD IV’” etc which will never match So I would expect the selector to fail and show an error?

You can try to Work with selector API to Edit the selector. This ist also the prefered was to modify selectors instead of doing IT on Text Base.

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