I want to retrieve the subject header of all unread emails from a Gmail account and send a message with the subject header to a Telegram group. Do I need to install any Telegram package? After creating a Telegram group, what activity can I use to send the message to the group?
HI @ekewaka Welcome to the community. I don’t have first hand experience using telegram api. But as far as i understand you have follow the below steps:
Sending Message to a Telegram Group:
- Install the Required Package: You need to install the
package to work with HTTP requests. - Configure Telegram API Integration: To send messages to a Telegram group, you need to create a bot on Telegram and obtain the bot token.
- Use HTTP Request to Send Message: Use the
HTTP Request
activity to send a message to the Telegram group. Set the activity’s properties as follows:
- Method: POST
- Endpoint:
- Headers: Add “Content-Type” with value “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”
- Body: Add the necessary parameters, such as “chat_id” (the ID of the Telegram group) and “text” (the message content).
Replace <your-bot-token>
with your actual bot token and <group-chat-id>
with the ID of your Telegram group chat.
I have also seen this one project in Marketplace
Please go through the below link as well, might be helpful
Hope it helps
Hi @ekewaka ,
You can install package activity for telegram
or you can use telegram web with activity
I don’t receive any Telegram message after doing the below steps:
- Install the
package to work with HTTP requests. - Create a bot on Telegram and obtain the bot token.
- Use HTTP Request to Send Message: Use the
HTTP Request
activity to send a message to the Telegram group. Set the activity’s properties as follows:
- Method: POST
- Endpoint:
- Headers: Add “Content-Type” with value “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”
- Body: Add the necessary parameters, such as “chat_id” (the ID of the Telegram group) and “text” (the message content).
with your actual bot token and<group-chat-id>
with the ID of your Telegram group chat.
there is also no errors. Did I do anything wrong?