How do I save PDF?

Hello guys

I’m using the STUDIO X.

Lets say that my automation:

  1. Opens one app.
  2. In this app clicks a button.
  3. The PDF file opens in my browser (but the file is not saved). I know that when I set adobe as a primary PDF reader I can make it so that the PDF is not opened but downloaded instead but this does not work for me.

Is there any other way? how can I save the PDF?

Any ideas?



You can try sending ctrl+p and then print the pdf to save as pdf


Hi @anon40731888,

i hope you are using chrome browser as default browser. Once the PDF opens in the browser click the download icon so you will get popup asking you to save in folder. you can automate these steps and give the desired folder path in the popup and save it to your local drive. thanks
