How do I implement a Validation Station to my invoice extraction automatization program?

This is the actual error that appears to be causing the problem {
“message”: “Present Validation Station: Method not found: ‘Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddIpc(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection)’.”,
“level”: “Error”,
“logType”: “Default”,
“timeStamp”: “18:23:01”,
“fileName”: “Main”,
“processVersion”: “1.0.0”,
“jobId”: “c3356a9e-ad52-4429-9ae6-4756a590702d”,
“robotName”: “”,
“machineId”: 3264471,
“organizationUnitId”: 4603804

Hi @Gonzalo_Delclaux

Check the below thread for better clarification.

Hope it helps!!

I don’t think this is my situation

You just have to uninstall the Omnipage package. I don’t know why, but it interferes with the program

In that case, I also installed Omnipage OCR package in my project. But I didn’t get any exceptions in present validation station @Gonzalo_Delclaux

Try to install one more time and then run the bot. @Gonzalo_Delclaux

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