Hello everyone, I have the following information.
Test.xlsx (8.9 KB)
@Perawat First get the number of rows present in the excel by Read Range or Read column and then use Read Cell activity and pass A+rownumber
@Perawat use Assign
LastValue=dt(dt.Rows.Count-1)(Debit Amount).tostring
Assuming dt is datatable from above excel.
Hope this will help you.
Can you write an example for me.
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I just made a examle just have a look at it,
_Test.xaml (9.7 KB)
Hi @Perawat,
Here is an activity called “Find Last Row” . So it will return the last row index of the sheet. after you can use the read cell activity to get the value .
Thank you
@Lakshay_Verma, I don’t know which part is wrong.
What is the output of read range activity ?
It should be dt of type datattable
Looking at the message on popup,
You’re making varible of double type. it must be string.
@Perawat Try with this :
@supermanPunch, I got results like yours. Thank you very much.
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