How do I get the "Fields" from the "Get Analysis Results" activity

I’m trying to use the “Get Analysis Results” activity (and the “Analyze Document” activity) and neither seem to return the full result.

The “Analyze Document” activity returns a url which I call from postman as a GET and I set the header value where the key is “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key” and it returns the entire set of data including tables and fields among others but not the activity.

In the Get Analysis Results activity, the “stringIndexText” is returned as “textElements” and it also returns the “content” which I can see in the JSON response in postman but below this, there is a “pages”, “styles”, “documents” and inside “documents”, there a “fields” which is what I need to access but just can’t see how to do that with either documents.

I might just call the web API using another activity and completely dump the “Get analysis results” activity if it is that restricted.

Anyone got this to work?

Hey @tfierens1, any progress on this issue?

I’m looking for a solution for the same problem…any updates since August?

Hi @tfierens1 ,

You can use Azure AI Document Intelligence HTTP Request activity where you can use the URL you get from Analyze Document activity.