yourString =String.Concat(yourString.Split(vbcrlf.ToCharArray,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(Function(s,i) if((i+1) mod 5=0,s+vbcrlf,s+chr(9))))
Then add headers and use GenerateDataTable with CSV (TSV) parsing mode.
Say all data is stored in str and use build dataatble and required question and answer columns and build a newdt
Use a for each loop and give the in argument as str.Trim.Split({Environment.NewLine},Stringsplitoptions.None) and assign an index variable to index property in for loop properties panel
Inside loop use a if condition with index mod 5 = 0
On the then side use add data row with {currentItem,"","","",""} and give newdt as datatable
On else side use assign with dt.Rows(dt.RowCount-1)(index mod 5) = currentItem
After the loop newdt will have data in required format