How can we send a mail if user approve through html button and then we send mail without opening the mail send window


I have query related to HTML Button
i want to add a link from which we can send a mail directly from outlook mail without opening mail.
when we click on the button the mail sended to recipient without opening the mail sending window and click on send button



Through server and port we can send the mail. From which app you want to send a mail?

outlook mail


Through server and port we can send the mail. From which app you want to send a mail?

Send GMail using UiPath “Send SMTP Mail Message”

find outlook server and port in the below link

But how we can call it through html button code

after click activity use element exist to specifically find what you want, then send mail.

no i have to this when i send a html coded button to mail and when user approve with the button a approval mail automatically send from user account without clicking on send button

here i am sharing my html button code.

UpperHtml.Replace(“”,“<a style=”“padding: 8px 12px; border: 1px solid #ED2939;border-radius: 2px;font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px; color: #ffffff;text-decoration: none;font-weight:bold;display: inline-block;”“href=”“mailto:”+linkMailTo +“?subject=”+
linkMailSubject +“&body=”+ linkMailBodyApprove + “”“>Approve”)

Give a trial with this.

<button onclick="location.href=' Subject&body=Email Body'">Send Email</button>

i have run the code on my system when i run this code the outlook mail sending window appears but i dont want this i want to send it directly without opening anything.


You need to do server side scripting for it…

Which i dont think you would have access to…place your script

Another way is to use power automate if you have that …

Ideally as the button is pressed on client side it needs approval to send so the pop would come
