How can i use Cdn in inject JS


I have a question.

How can I use Cdn in the injection JS?

I’m really curious.

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Hey @nolgazz12

Are you looking to inject some cdn script link ?


Continuing the discussion from How can i use Cdn in inject JS:

I’d love to, but do you know how?[quote=“Nithinkrishna, post:2, topic:414052, full:true”]
Hey @nolgazz12

Are you looking to inject some cdn script link ?


I’d love to, but do you know how?

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Hey @nolgazz12

You will need to first write JS code to insert a script link to the HTML head Dom element.

And run the same from UiPath inject js.

Ref - UiPath Robot JS · GitHub


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:heart_eyes: thank you so much

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Cool @nolgazz12 :innocent::+1:

Happy Automation!

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