How can I update a column value for a Sharepoint item one bt one using a CAML query in UiPath?


I am trying to change the status = New to In progress .

How to achieve this.
Any suggestions please.

I am using the update list item activity

caml query : “New”

from this the status of all the items in the list is getting changed at once.
I want one by one.

As the data is added to queue it has to change status and then go to next item.

what’s type of your Status column into SharePoint?



sharing Columns in sharepoint

@Shirin_Sebatina ,

Can you first try to do get all list item activity then update into loop by id.

you can’t update directly.

I am looping through the status , i need to process items from list which has status as new


Loop it and get Id and then update based on Id.

what query should i write to update using ID in the update list item activity

Hello @Shirin_Sebatina ,

you can do something like below into camel query.