Hi, I have an id number while hashcode.Hash code: 00000000000000000000000000000000AA712589FF78C658DC263C40C18FE5BA. Answer,11 character number.
Your query is quite confusing could you be more specific.
If do you want to extract the specific data mention the output data which you want to extract.
Hope you understand!!
Try this
String.Join("", Enumerable.Range(0, 11).Select(Function(i) AscW(hashCode.Substring(i, 1)) Mod 10).Select(Function(num) num.ToString()))
Its solved but not true, wrong answer
Do you want 11 character number?
extractedNumber = hashCode.Substring(hashCode.Length - 11)
My Key, 7617420F178BD4AA308E9D44FE9A6AED7C3C8C296B9148DD996D2DB752DE458A
Hash Code Type, Rinjdael
Hashes aren’t designed to be decrypted…
You can encrypt and decrypt with the Cryptology functions, but ‘unhashing’ isn’t supported.
Perhaps some additional context helps, it seems alot of people on here don’t understand what you are trying to do and are suggesting things like substrings of the hashed string, which will never tell you anything.
I created a hash code. After tried your code. Can not solved correctly.
Id: 11540090788
Key: 7617420F178BD4AA308E9D44FE9A6AED
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