How can I loop sheets in Excel?


I have some sheets in a wookbook of excel;
I can use one sheet in my work (to read excel and enter the data into web forms ),
now,I want to use For Each Excel Sheet,but I can’t use it (maybe I dont know how to use the variable)

Please ,How can it work ?thank you very much.

Hi @crank_chelios

Welcome to the Community!

Look for an activity called as Get Workbook Sheets
From there you’ll get list of sheet names, and you can further use them to loop through different sheets.

You might need to enable Classic from the filter in activities.

Happy Automation!


Can you try to remove double quotation which surrounds CurrentItem.ToString in ReacCell activity?


Hi @crank_chelios, welcome to the Community.

You can use the ‘Get Workbook Sheets’ activity to get the list of sheet names. Then you can use the For Each activity to loop through the sheets & perform the necessary actions.


Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

Yoichi ,thank you very much.

thanks evryone.

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Hi @crank_chelios

In Workbook activities there is no for each loop to iterate the sheets. You can find the For each excel sheet activity in excel activities only. You can use that activity.

Hope it helps!!