How can i convert this JSON format to string?


Can you try as the following?

  1. Surround the string with double quote
  2. replace inner double quote " with ""


Hi, you can use below format in assign activity

“[{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P7720’,‘Qty’:‘2’,‘Dis’:‘20’},{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P77STFLXA’,‘Qty’:‘1’,‘Dis’:‘0’},{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P77BRWSR’,‘Qty’:‘1’,‘Dis’:‘0’},{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P77deskew’,‘Qty’:‘1’,‘Dis’:‘0’}]”


“{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P7720’,‘Qty’:‘2’,‘Dis’:‘20’},{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P77STFLXA’,‘Qty’:‘1’,‘Dis’:‘0’},{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P77BRWSR’,‘Qty’:‘1’,‘Dis’:‘0’},{‘Line Number’:‘1’,‘Product’:‘P77deskew’,‘Qty’:‘1’,‘Dis’:‘0’}”

No Guys. What i’m trying to acheive here is,

  1. i will have this text in the queue item
  2. I need to extract that will specific content(“product”) and convert it to datatable

but for the testing purpose, im not stroing that in the queue. Instead of that , how can i store it into a variable?

Hi @Salman_Faries_V_S

str_Name="{""Line Number"": ""1"", ""Product"": ""P7720"", ""Qty"":""2"", ""Dis"": ""20""}"",""{""Line Number"": ""1"", ""Product"": ""P77STFLXA"", ""Qty"": ""1"", ""Dis"": ""0""}"",""{""LineNumber"": ""1"", ""Product"": ""P77BRWSR"", ""Qty"": ""1"", ""Dis"": ""0""}"",""{""LineNumber"": ""1"",""Product"": ""P77DESKEW"", ""Qty"": ""1"",""Dis"": ""0""}"


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This error is coming in, when i try to convert that as Datatable. Please help me


No need to use Deserialize JSON activity.
In the assign activity the var JSON is of datatype string.
While we replacing the " with “” it is converting to str format

Then, how can i convert that data into datattable?

to convert json into datatable

Outpu_DT=Newtonsoft. Json.jsonconvert.DeserializeObject(of Datatable) (Newtonsoft.json.Linq.Jobject.Parse(Inputfile.txt)(“data”).Tostring)


Try this:

text = "[{""Line Number"": ""1"", ""Product"": ""P7720"", ""Qty"":""2"", ""Dis"": ""20""},{""Line Number"": ""1"", ""Product"": ""P77STFLXA"", ""Qty"": ""1"", ""Dis"": ""0""},{""LineNumber"": ""1"", ""Product"": ""P77BRWSR"", ""Qty"": ""1"", ""Dis"": ""0""},{""LineNumber"": ""1"",""Product"": ""P77DESKEW"", ""Qty"": ""1"",""Dis"": ""0""}]"
dt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of DataTable)(text)
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tnx for this!

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