hello. How can I click on a list of URLs in a web browser and have a specific behaviour for each page?
I’ve tried selecting the URL elements with For each UIElement, but I’m stuck after that.
If they are different websites and different this to do…then its not adviced to use for each…even if you use you have to use multiple check app states to check what kind of site and prepare steps for each separately
They are single website and has same UI. All I have to do is clicking forms and input relative information.
Please shwo the ui and what you need to click…if they are similar…then we can tweak the selectors using wild cards and variables in it
so your process should be like this
- For each ui element to click on the url
- inside for each first is click on the link with current element as input
- Then use type into with each element that is to be filled…get the required data if present in excel into datatable and use filters as needed
- For the elements make sure you do not have any specific page related info…rather make them generic so that they can be used on any page which looks similar
- For each ui element to click on the url
How can I make this? I’m stuck with here.
On the first page where you have all the urls you need to indicate the click field in the for each ui element
When I click the first element on click action, the flow will only repeat clicking the first element, not sequentially.
Can you show the selector please…looks like something is wrong…when you clicked first did it highlight all?
no. It highlighted only the first element.
Then please reindicate slightly hover over it might give you another element which would be identified as series
or else you can do a table extraction on the table and then get the url from the tablea nd use go to url instead of click
for looping table cna use for each row in datatable
I’ve already tried both and couldn’t get into or get any URL.
Strange, I got URL from table, I overlooked this.