So I have a process where people are going to scan files into a folder. I was going to do a dispatcher that creates a queue item ( one or many ) to start my document understanding human in the loop process but idk whether to do one by one with queue items or just do a for each file in folder to digitize,classify etc for all of the files??? … I then wait for the document validation inside of action center . Once it’s validated it puts an item into a queue with all the validated info to put inside a browser. Is it smarter to seperate the processes like I am or keep them together? I have 3 unattended bots.
Hi @dsellers1 ,
Welcome to the Community!
Its smarter to separate Dispatcher, Extractor and Performer.
The extractor would run independently and in case any item goes to Action Center, it would be handled separately, not stopping the flow for other Docs which might go Straight Through.
Happy Automation!