How apply filter in get mail activity of msoffice 365 package

How to pass the filter condition in the query property of uipath.microsoftoffice365.activities.mail.getmail activity

I what to read only meeting invite email and also fetch all the users id to whom email is sent

Hi @Manuthejusui,
You are correct in using the Filter property. But you have to define what paramter (subject, sender, received date, etc.) you have to search on.

From your query it seems that you want to search if the subject contains the words “kind meeting”
For this use - “contains(subject,‘kind meeting’)”

This will provide you with details of the other parameters that can be used for searching - Use query parameters to customize responses - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn

Let me know if this helps


Here im searching for the calendar meeting invites… Can you help how to filter so that i can fetch only meeting request from the inbox?

Can someone help me on this

You can do something like this

In GetMail → Properties → Query, write “startswith(subject,‘Test’)”. It is working for me.

See this thread


Yes above solution works when i know the subject… In may case i need to pick all the meeting from inbox where subject can be anything

Using the exact activity “UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities.Mail.GetMail”, the only way to filter is by using eq in the Query field.
“subject eq ‘New Authentication’”

Not even the “and” is working
“subject eq ‘New Authentication’ and from/emailAddress/address eq ‘’”

This documentation needs work since the activity appears to not be built out much.

It ONLY has examples using “eq” and “and” but only the 'eq" works.