Hosting Admin in Orchestrator

Hi Uipath experts, do you know if it is possible to host more than 1 Admin in the orchestrator?

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You can assign the Admin role to multiple users.

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There are two admins when it comes to orchestrator (on-prem) a host admin and a tenant admin. There can be only 1 host admin, where as each tenant can have any number of admins, there is no restrictions as such.



Hi @seanp92
Host is the main tenant , that including your all tenant and the manage ( not for the development)
It’s a comming with orchestrator as Administrator tenant

If you start work with orchestrator and if you didnt create the tenant , your first started tenant will be mark as default (you dont need to type your tenant name )

If you worrying about Administrator do not provide the admin user for general users
That you can control all the users permissions by creating separate user roles

Yes if you need to provide more admin users yes you can create.