How can I retrieve dynamic values for same box in browser?
The box validates if the values is true or not and depending of the reponse the selector is different. ‘resposta1’ for true and ‘resposta2’ for false.
Trying to get this values and store it but if I use the “get text” actitivy it will return me always the selector from “Reposta1”
Maybe you can try using 'Element exists" activity and use the selectors for resposta1. If element exists then you store the response as true and if not, then false.
So you basically need id attribute from the selector right? You can use Get attribute activity and pass “id” as the attribute name. Please let us know if this helps else we can check for other options
@Meu_Eu_Nando if you are trying yo identify which message is howing based on the id you can use get attribute activity as susggested by @Lak_Ui … Drag and drop the activity and indicate on the element. Then select attribute as “id”
It will give you the id value as the output. You can use it for validation.
How do I use it for validation after getting the attribute?
Do I user “Element exists” after ? Sorry, begginer in UiPath.
Maybe could you show me an example.
I need to enter this website (Validar CPF | Clevert) an extract the information given by the CPFs.
Example of valid CPF: 341.356.120-08
Example of invalid CPF: 111.176.600-87
@Meu_Eu_Nando Did you tested in debug mode and by enabling Highlight?
If not plz try and confirm how the floe is happening. If any error please share the error also.
Aside from that, I have also found out that element exists is also unusable as resposta1 and resposta2 always exists at the same time, it is just that one is hidden and one is shown depending on the result. I have used another attribute which is the inner text. Please see attached workflow, which has worked for me.