Help with Number/String manipulation

I have a String “01021026888” and I have an int variable numOfTimes.
lets say the value of numOfTimes is 3, I want the string “01021026888” to be manipulated by replacing on the first 3 leftmost values, and this value must be unique in every instance. For example,
Given “01021026888” and numOfTimes = 4, the business wants a text file containing


the value of the first three leftmost digit does not matter as long as they are unique for each instance.

Hi @Yomi_Oluwadara ,

Could you maybe check with the below Expression :

(new Random).Next(Cint(Math.Pow(10,3)),CInt(Math.Pow(10,4))).ToString+textData.Substring(4)

From Debug :

In place of 4 we can provide the variable so that it can be dynamic.

Here, textData is a string variable, you could convert your Integer value to string and using it we should be able to perform the above operation.

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Thanks, my workflow- see attached followed your instructions but it did not:

  • Generate more than one object/row
  • it replaced all of the numbers, the goal here is to only replace the first 3 digit for each occurrence.

The business rule is to acheive this
Given “01021026888” and numOfTimes = 4, the business wants a text file containing



workflow attached. (2.8 KB)

we can prepare for us a variable of DataType Random
myRandom | Default Value: new Random()

For a better Distribution we can slot in Big Numbers into smallers by using the Modulo Function
For a dynamic mod slot based on the length we do:

myModSlot | Int32 = CInt(“9”.PadRight(4,"9"c)) - we can dynamize 4 with an int Variable

The random part we can create by

and can merge the new part with the other part by using concat / substring etc.

When a distinct series is to create we would bring it within a do while and will repeat the loop, till we got X distinct random numbers

Hi @Yomi_Oluwadara

Check this:

str_input = "01021026888"
rd = new Random() (type: System.Object[])
list_resultList = New List(Of String) From {str_input}

While (list_resultList.Count < 4)
           newString = (rd.Next(1000).ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"c)) & str_input.Substring(3)
           Append Item to list activity to add newString to list_resultList 
           list_resultList  = list_resultList .Distinct().ToList()
           counter = counter+1

For Each item In list_resultList
    Use Append line activity to add currentItem to the text file
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@Yomi_Oluwadara ,

If the suggestions (Other) provided does not work for your case, could you maybe provide us another example with with numOfTimes as 3 and one more with numOfTimes as 4 ? Just so that we can clear the confusions and get the requirement understood.

Following this approach, I ran into some compile issues

do not missout the brackets
(myRandom…Mod 9999)<- .toString

@ppr @supermanPunch
I dont know what I’m doing wrong here. Is this where I’m assigning value to a random var using the assign activity? Or I’m I doing this all wrong? (3.1 KB)

there were a few corrections and adaptions to do as the given building blocks were not ported to the modelling



myModSlot =


tmpNewValue =

(myRandom.Next() Mod myModSlot).ToString().PadLeft(RandomLength,"0"c) & strStart.Substring(RandomLength)

ResultList =


input & Result List

Find starter help here:
MainV2.xaml (9.6 KB)

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@supermanPunch @ppr @supriya117 Thanks all!

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