Hello all,
I have been working with this for a few days and cannot get it to work properly.
I have an excel file. As soon as it is opened it asks for the password. I am using the Use Excel File and I put my password variable in the properties for Edit password and Password. It keeps faulting and I continuously get the message the use excel file failed for the possible reasons of being corrupt, being used by another process or dont have permissions.
Here is where it gets confusing… If I put the password in the same place I have the variable it works fine. If I open the file and manually put in the password and click retry while debugging, it works fine. Is it because I have .ToString after my variable? Please help. I need to unlock the workbook and continue the process.
In the Excel process scope activity open the properties in Existing processes action option select the Force kill option in dropdown. It will close the excel automatically after the activities inside Excel Process scope activity ended. Use Excel Prcoess Scope and Inside that place your Use Excel File block inside that.
Below is the image for better understanding
Hope it helps!!
I am using the kill proces and still encountering the same area
If it is a SecureString variable, you would need to use the following instead of FilePW.ToString
new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", FilePW).Password
that works. Thank you all for your help
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