Help me Using create validation task

Hi All,

Currently i am trying to assign a document validation task to a particular user in action center using create validation task. But in the activity it is asking to give document data. But i am confused with the input. am using this activity after data extraction in Document understanding flow. so what should be given as input in this activity
please help me understand this


Sreejith S S


You should be passing the output of an Extract Document Data activity.

Ashok :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale is there any way we can create a task in action center by following the document understanding framework and also not using create form task and create app task activity.
I don’t want to use extract document data activity
just asking if there is any way to do it.

Sreejith S S,

I don’t think so as anyway you try it will require IDocumentData type of data.


Ashok :slight_smile:

Hii same problem i am facing during creating validating task in action center in document understanding process.
-Have you find any solution for that ?