In this excel if in column “Role in Company” value comes first time then in last new column “Role” write find and if it comes another time then duplicate
For eg in sheet2 of this excel
challenge.xlsx (16.6 KB)
(From row In Dt.AsEnumerable()
Let role = If(Dt.AsEnumerable().Count(Function(r) r("Role in Company").ToString() = row("Role in Company").ToString()) > 1, "Duplicate", "Find")
Select Dt1.Clone().LoadDataRow(row.ItemArray.Concat({role}).ToArray(), False)).CopyToDataTable()
Can you try the following sample?
dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Role in Company").ToString).ToList().ForEach( Sub(g)
End Sub
End Sub
) (13.3 KB)
Can you explain me or upload me the xaml (2.2 KB)
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In this can u tell me why u made clone of DT1 and dt (we can add a data column in DT)
In your Sheet 1 there is no Column name “Role”.So i created a new datatable with Dt means Sheet1 columns plus role column in my new datatable.
I hope you understand
Nope this will not work it will raise you a error
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