Input string - 200000|70000|20000
I want separate outputs as 200000 ,70000, 20000 in different variables or maybe in an array
Input string - 200000|70000|20000
I want separate outputs as 200000 ,70000, 20000 in different variables or maybe in an array
Arry[] = inputstring.split(cchar("|"))
You can use split function for this task.
In assign activity, on the right side add the code Split(inputVariable,“|”) and left side store it in array of string variable.
Hi @Gaurav07
I have create workflow based on your requirement please unzip and run I hope you will get solution. (17.2 KB)
Kommi Jeevan.
Hi @Gaurav07,
use inputstring var.Replace(“|”,“,”)
If you like my solution plz like