Help creating aggregate report


I’m having trouble creating a aggregate report.

The source data looks like this:

Grade First Name Surname DOB Subject Class Finals Due Resits
Sophomore Alfie Bradley 01/01/2011 English True False
Sophomore Alfie Bradley 01/01/2011 Music True False
Sophomore Alfie Bradley 01/01/2011 French True False
Sophomore Alfie Bradley 01/01/2011 Maths True False
Sophomore Bob Doe 02/02/201 Chem True False
Sophomore Bob Doe 02/02/2011 French True True
Junior Charlie Blogg 03/03/2013 Shop False True
Junior Charlie Blogg 03/03/2013 English False True

I’d like the output to look like this:

Grade First Name Surname DOB Completed Finals Count of Entries Resits
Sophomore Alfie Bradley 01/01/2011 True 4 False
Sophomore Bob Doe 02/02/2012 True 2 True
Junior Charlie Blogg 03/03/2013 False 2 True

If there’s a situation where either Class Finals or Due Resits columns has a both True and False for an individual, then the aggregate report should show True.

in general we can do with grouping the data
[HowTo] Overview on different options for grouping data and processing the groups - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

Thanks @ppr - I was having trouble with the syntax. This is what I came up with to get an initial lok at the data, but having problems:

(From row In DT.AsEnumerable()
Group row By student = New With { Key .studentF = row.Item(“First Name”), Key .studentS = row.Item(“surname”), Key .studentDOB = row.Item(“DOB”), Key .studentFinal = row.Item(“Class Final”), Key .studentR = row.Item(“Due Resits”) }
Into StuGroup = Group
Select New With {
.stuFirst = student.studentF,
.stuSur = student.studentS,
.studentD = student.studentDOB,
.studentF = student.studentFinal,
.studentR = student.studentRes,
.Count = StuGroup.Count()


Can you try the following sample?

Sample (12.4 KB)


I modified original data a little because it seems lack 1



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Query Syntax Approach:

Prepare an empty DataTable with Build DataTable - dtResult and configure result columns
Grade First Name Surname DOB Completed Finals Count of Entries Resits

Assign Activity:
dtResult =

(From d in YourSourceDTVar.AsEnumerable
Group d by k1=d("First Name").toString.Trim, k2=d("Surname").toString.Trim, k3=d("DOB").toString.Trim into grp=Group
Let chk1 = grp.Any(Function (e1) e1("Class Finals").String.Trim.toUpper.Equals("TRUE"))
Let chk2 = grp.Any(Function (e2) e2("Due Resits").String.Trim.toUpper.Equals("TRUE"))
Let ra = new Object(){grp.First()(0),k1,k2,k3, chk1.ToString, grp.Count, chk2.ToString} 
Select r = dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

Non Linq Approach: as described within the tutorial first part

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Excellent! Thank you @Yoichi

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Hi @qwerty1

→ Read Range Workbook

Output-> dtInput
→ Use below syntax in Assign:

dtOutput= dtInput.Clone()
dtOutput= (From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable()
 Group row By
     Grade = row.Field(Of String)("Grade"),
     FirstName = row.Field(Of String)("First Name"),
     Surname = row.Field(Of String)("Surname"),
     DOB = If(row.IsNull("DOB"), DateTime.MinValue, row.Field(Of DateTime)("DOB")) ' Handle DBNull for "DOB"
 Into GroupData = Group
 Let CompletedFinals = GroupData.Any(Function(r) r.Field(Of Boolean)("Class Finals")),
     Resits = GroupData.Any(Function(r) r.Field(Of Boolean)("Due Resits")),
     CountOfEntries = GroupData.Count()
 Select dtOutput.Rows.Add(Grade, FirstName, Surname, DOB, CompletedFinals, CountOfEntries, Resits)

Note: dtOutput is of DataType System.Data.DataTable
→ Write Range Workbook:


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