Help--Converting JSON Data into Data Table Activity

Hi can anyone help me into this please,
I want to convert this ,
I have this set of Data:

"49bb546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Filepath": "D:\\A\\B\\Process.xaml",
"49bb546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-errorCode": "IV-AnjuMDL-001",
"49bb546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-errorSeverity": "Apuwarning",
"49bb546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Description": "AWorkflow had too many number of activities",
"49bb546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Desc": "Workflow had too many number of activities/Submodules",

"49bu546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Filepath": "D:\\Anjali Rani\\C\\Process.xaml",
"49bu546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-errorCode": "IA-MKL-001",
"49bu546y-39C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-errorSeverity": "Anjwarning",
"49bu546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Description": "Workflow had too many number of activities",
"49bu546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Desc": "Workflow had too many number of activities/Submodules",

"49bb546y-30C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Filepath": "D:\\Anjali Rani\\D\\Process.xaml",
"49bb546y-30C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-errorCode": "IA-MDL-001",
"49bb546y-30C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-errorSeverity": "Anjwarning",
"49bb546y-30C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Description": "Workflow had too many number of activities",
"49bi546y-35C0-48b4-93fe-bd0824e4fa97-Desc": "Workflow had too many number of activities/Submodules"


and want to convert this into DataTable.

Please help.


Pls give a try with this component from market place

Cheers @Anjali_Rani

may we ask you to share the JSON as txt file with us or just reformat your post with the help of </> button. > Thanks

Dear Anjali,

You can refer the below post in forum with similar query:
Convert json to Datatable - Help - UiPath Community Forum

How to Convert JSON data to DataTable UiPath - RPA LEARNERS

Testt.txt (1.2 KB)
this is the text file, i want filepath, error code,desc… all are come in columns for all data.

Please help.

You may refer below link which can help…

we assume that every 5 Properties should form the datarow

Prepare an empty DataTable with Build DataTable

Iterate over all properties and use a set of 5 properties for creating a datarow which will be added to the datatable


Find starter help here:
ppr_JSONBox_AnjaliRani.xaml (8 KB)


Dear Anjali,
Do you want to convert each of the keys into distinct columns and place the value under them,if so you can refer the attached xaml.

Import Newport.Json namespace from imports panel

ForumJSONToTable.xaml (5.7 KB)

Sample.txt (1.2 KB)

Thank you so much, image
but i am getting this error while execution :frowning:

try with updated XAML from above

1 Like

Thank you so much. It is working :slight_smile:

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