I have a task to save my mail into a google spreadsheet. For that, I am using Gsuite activity write range. But I am facing few errors. PFA screenshot.
First, you need to set value at SpreadSheetId property. We can get it using Find Files and Folders activity.
For now, it’s ok Google Spreadsheet property and UpdatedRange property are blank.
@Yoichi I am using as you said but facing the following error.
All the activities in Gsuite activities package work inside GSuite Application Scope.
So,we need to set GSuite application scope in workflow. Can you check the following document?
@Yoichi Hi I hope you are doing well. I have followed above document and there was no error but when I run I got this error plz guide me to solve this.
Probably, SpreeadsheetID in Add New Sheet activity is wrong. For now,can you check it?(How did you get it?)
I am using following key as SpreadsheetID you can see in attached SS. If this is not correct can you let me know how can i get right one?
Can you try to use Find Files and Folders activity? It returns SpreadsheetID etc.