Hi All,
I have a excel that contains Column Tracking Number ,SKU (string )and TotalOrder(int)
1.I need to find unique rows in Tracking Number
2. Append SKU
3.Add TotalOder
Hi All,
I have a excel that contains Column Tracking Number ,SKU (string )and TotalOrder(int)
1.I need to find unique rows in Tracking Number
2. Append SKU
3.Add TotalOder
Thanks ,I will try this
(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
Group d By k=d(“TrackingNumber”).toString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let cs = grp.Sum(Function (rc) CInt( “0” & rc(“TotalOrder”).toString))
Let cn = String.Join(“;”, grp.Select(Function (rn) rn(“SKU”).toString).toArray)
Let ra = New Object(){k, cs, cn}
Select dtReport2.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
Perfect, this is a good first start
Let cs = grp.Sum(Function (rc) CInt( “0” & rc(“TotalOrder”).toString))
kindly note: the “0”& Trick will fail on negative numbers.
So we suggest the following:
Let cs = grp.Sum(Function (rc) CInt( rc("TotalOrder").toString.Trim))
And if blanks / non valid numbers are to expect handle it before / within once the Business Requirements are redefined and specifying it in detail
What to give when we need a column after grouping without any changes ?
In general
Group d By k1=d(“TrackingNumber”).toString.Trim, k2=d(“ShippdedDate”).ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
for Dates we do also check if maybe a parsing into datetime before using it within the group definition could be a better approach. Datails on this depends also on the data source
shipped Date is in “Date” format in source . Kindly help me with this .
Convert.ToDateTime(d(“ShippedDate”).ToString(“dd/mm/yy”) is not working
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