GIT push issue - 2019.4.2

Hi guys

I’ve been using the GIT cloning functionality,and committing/pushing without issues since release.

However today, I have started getting this issue when pressing PUSH:



Unable to push to configured remote.

Error: LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: request failed with status code: 500
at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result)
at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_remote_push(RemoteHandle remote, IEnumerable1 refSpecs, GitPushOptions opts) at LibGit2Sharp.Network.Push(Remote remote, IEnumerable1 pushRefSpecs, PushOptions pushOptions)
at LibGit2Sharp.Network.Push(Remote remote, String pushRefSpec, PushOptions pushOptions)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.Core.PushService.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\Core\PushService.cs:line 40
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.UI.UiAuthenticationSession.Execute[T](Func1 action) in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\Uipath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\UI\GitUiAuthenticationSession.cs:line 89 at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.Core.PushService.Push(IRepository repository, Remote remote, Boolean forcePush) in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\Uipath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\Core\PushService.cs:line 55 at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.UI.PushUiService.PushInternal(IRepository repository, Remote remote, Boolean forcePush) in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\Uipath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\UI\PushUiService.cs:line 239 at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.UI.PushUiService.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<PushAsync>b__3(IRepository r) in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\Uipath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\UI\PushUiService.cs:line 126 at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.Core.GitSession.ThreadSafeExecute[TResult](Func2 action) in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\Core\GitSession.cs:line 88
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.Core.GitSession.<>c__DisplayClass11_01.<ExecuteAsync>b__0(CancellationToken _) in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\Uipath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\Core\GitSession.cs:line 76 at UiPath.Shared.ProducerConsumerPair.<>c__DisplayClass18_01.b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task1.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.Core.GitSession.<ExecuteAsync>d__111.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\Core\GitSession.cs:line 76
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git.Services.UI.PushUiService.d__18.MoveNext() in D:\a\1\s\Studio\SourceControl\UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Git\Services\UI\PushUiService.cs:line 126, HResult -2146233088

The only thing I can think of that may cause an issue is the fact I changed my Windows login password last week. Bitbucket (where we push to) uses Single-Sign-On.

I’d appreciate any assistance you can give in this matter, as it is imperative I push up to Bitbucket asap.

Thanks heaps!

Could you check your git config file? See if it has correct proxy settings or credential manager setup.

Hi! I’ve had to figure out how to do it (I can git config --global --edit in CMD) and it returned this:

helper = manager

Can you advise what I should do next?

Do you have any proxy settings? If possible share the entire git config.

I am told we don’t have any proxy settings that would affect this.

Using the info in C:\ProgramData\Git\config -

symlinks = false
autocrlf = true
fscache = true
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
interactive = true
format = html
[diff “astextplain”]
textconv = astextplain
autosquash = true

And in C:\Users\Sheri\ .gitconfig

name = Sheri ****
email = ***
signingkey = “”
sslVerify = false

Hi @Sheri

Is it the enterprise edition? If so, please contact our technical support and they might be able to directly help you out.

If not, then I could only suggest checking out things around that 500 error. I’ve had a separate issue with Git in Studio, but this one was ultimately not related to studio but rather my github settings.
I would think yours is similar in that it has indeed something to do with the connectivity and/or credentials.

Hello, I have the same problem. But if I use Git-Extensions I can do a push to the target server. Also I can clone from a repository if I use that function with Studio. Only push fails.
Because I don’t have any detailed knowledge of Git I do not know what to check or how to find out that problem.
Yes, I also opened a ticket at support. We tried to find out what was going wrong. But it’s difficult because I don’t have enough rights on the system. I cannot (yet) open a console or install software.

Hello everyone,

any updates on this? I’m facing the same issue. I can normally pull from the remote repo but can’t push.

i even tried reinstalling this thing,
redownloading/reinstalling git and redo its install wizard
restarting my computer,
pushing from many different project folders/local repos
creating new github repos

i keep getting 500

i don’t have the luxury to login with my account, on different computer

i wanna cry

*edit 10 june
-i’ve also tried with a new github acc & repo, got nothing
-also tried brand new UiPath account & org signed in,
tried to push , still 500

honestly idk how else i can narrow it down

*edit 12 june
bruh i can push perfectly fine now,
“undo” and “push” to remote works perfectly as expected
IIRC i literally didn’t do anything since last attempt
maybe i restarted but i tried that few times before, only this time worked maybe?
idk wth happened
:skull: still a pleasant surprise tho