I am using the O365 activity for the first time. My requirement is to send emails using O365 activities instead of usual email activities. The local IT team has created an application in azure and shared the application id and tenant id. Also, some secret id to be used while running unattended mode. May I know what is the exact need from IT team and how to configure O365 in the studio? I have placed the code within the o365 scope only but getting an error. Instead of debugging on error - it would be great if someone could explain or share sample code detailing the proper steps to be followed for sending email using O365 ( Both from It Team and Developers side)
As per your email you already received the application id, tenant id and Applicationsecret. in this case you already set to send your email by using microsoft365.
please fill the properties like below.
Application Id → your Azure application id
Authentication type-> select UsernameAndPassword in the dropdown.
Environment → mostly we have to select Global
Services → Select email in your case
tenant → your Azure Tenant ID
At the end of the properties panel enter your username and password.
try all these option and let us know if you still face any error. Thanks.
As part of testing - i created an application in my personal azure and used for sending email. Redirect URL for the application was given as *https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient as seen in UiPath site. But i am getting below error while trying to send simple email