Getting error while installing Microsoft.Windows.Ocr 1.0.0 package

while trying to install Microsoft.Windows.Ocr 1.0.0 package getting the following error
“NU1202: Package Microsoft.Windows.Ocr 1.0.0 is not compatible with net461 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1). Package Microsoft.Windows.Ocr 1.0.0 does not support any target frameworks.”
when I checked the version of .NETFramework in my PC registry Editor it is 4.8
I am currently using UI path community edition Studio 2018.3.1 -
kindly let me know how I can fix the issue

Can you confirm whether you are using windows 10?

Hello @HareeshMR,

I’m also getting this error. I have created my own user defined packaged which I’m not trying to use in a Library Project. When I go to install my user defined packages, I’m getting the same error NU1202: Package userpackage 1.0.4 is not compatible with net461 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1). Package userpackage1.0.4 does not support any target frameworks.

I have also uninstalled STUDIO and reinstalled but it didn’t fix this issue!

Here the issue may be the compatibility between the version of framework you build the activity and the UiPath studio @kdawg or may be the Nuget version you are using

@HareeshMR my studio version is Studio 2019.10.4 enterprise trial license.

I built all my packages on the same studio and updated all dependencies to the latest version. When I try to locally import the package in a Library Process after publishing my component packages, I get this error