Getting Error in TryCatch Activity

Hi, I try to use ‘TryCatch’ activity to continue running the workflow with the exception of having error that Click activity cannot be performed if the element is not visible on the screen. However, I get this error. Do anyone know how to solve this?

Hi @Audrey6 ,

If you run in Debug Mode, It will pause/halt at the Exception Point, If you Execute the Workflow in Run Mode, the error would not be popping or halting the Execution.

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We need to use UiPath.UIAutomationNext.Exceptions.NodeNotFoundException in Modern if we want to catch exception like classic ElementNotFound Exception.



Create a generic System.Exception catch. In it, you can check the properties of the exception to see which exact exception type it is. ElementNotFoundException and ElementNotAvailableException must not be correct, so the actual exception is not being caught.

@Audrey6 Try this


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