Getting an error while using OCR Text Feature

Hello All,

I am a beginner here . I am using UiPath to extract information from collection of scanned documents . I am using OCR Text activity and when i capture particular text by selecting then i am getting an error as shown in the attached image . I cant see the profile and scale options in UiPath screen ocr (or tessarect ocr). The error in details are :- Argument ‘Text’: BC30451: ‘InvoiceNr’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Variable ‘Text’ is missing. Please use Data Manager to recreate it.

Can someone please help me to run my workflow .

Best Regards,

Do what it says… declare the variable in the variables tab and your issue should be solved.

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Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for your quick reply . I created the variable called Invoice_Nr in the data manager but dont understand what value should i give . I am still getting the error.


It seems the variable is not declared or inaccessible to this scope.

You can declare the variable by positioning cursor at Text property and press keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K

Benefit of using this option instead of creating variable from Variables panel is, you don’t need to mention the datatype of the variable. UiPath studio picks it from the activity property DataType.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Thanks Ashok :slight_smile: and Jeroen I figured it out.

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