Is it at all possible to get the action object variable (DocumentValidationActionData) using Get Task Data Activity?
When I look at the task data variable from the get task data activity I see this in there: Data=JObject(15)
I assume it must be in there. When I inspect Data=JObject(15) , I see a file named \]
In the zip file it is a json file. I’m wondering if this can be converted into the DocumentValidattionActionData variable that I need. Please note this variable is created when using the “Create Document Validation Action”. It is then an input for “Wait for Document Validation Action And Resume”.
I essentially want to be able to pull this data from old completed actions. We have a trained model now and I want to run the latest version of the model against all completed actions and then compare how the model maps against mappings completed by people.
Also, when using the activity Create Document Validation Action, the action object (output) of variable type DocumentValidationActionData is given to us.
Is there a way to pull this variable? The one you gave me pulls the extractionresult variable.
we would assume that the returned Object is not reflecting the already user end processed result (Create, will make a new one)
But we refered also to
where it sounds that you are interessted on results from the past.
We recommend to follow up one idea and implement it till end (at least for training purpose)… Afterwards you can still explore alternates, as we mentioned e.g. REST API.
As this thread also increase as by ping-pong communication, so lets focus on the finalization as it is doable at least within one approach