GetCurrentJobInfo-->WorkflowFullPath as a property

Thanks, @Konrad_Mierzwa.

For all others, below is the code for the custom activity.

using System.Activities;
using System.ComponentModel;
using UiPath.Robot.Activities.Api;

namespace UiPath.Workflow.Information
    [Category("Custom Activities.Workflow")]
    [DisplayName("Get Workflow Path")]
    public class GetWorkflowPath : CodeActivity
        public OutArgument<string> Output { get; set; }
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            var executorRuntime = context.GetExtension<IExecutorRuntime>();
            var jobInfo = executorRuntime.RunningJobInformation;
            var WorkflowPath = jobInfo.WorkflowFilePath;

            Output.Set(context, WorkflowPath);


Here’s the feed for the required UiPath.Activities.API package.

Best, Emerald.