Get Current Job Info, JobInfo.WorkflowName, doesn't work properly with Library components

When I use the Job Info activity in a library component, it correctly retrieves the JobInfo.WorkflowName as the name of the XAML library component. However, after publishing the library and using it in an automation, the JobInfo.WorkflowName displays the name of the XAML file where the activity is utilized.


libraries run in the context of the process…so ideally you would get the process.xaml itself…library.xaml would not come

as it is already an activity it is not considered as a separate workflow…


Is there a way to get the name of the library component dynamically in the library component? so it can work the way described above?


Ideally no…but if you need for each…then just write the name as you need to the variable…as the library would never change


Yes, there seems to be

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