I am trying to get the URL of the page and then as a variable write to an excel file an example is this link https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/
I am trying to use get attribute but am not quite sure in what refernce is needed to get the URL
I am trying to get the URL of the page and then as a variable write to an excel file an example is this link https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/
I am trying to use get attribute but am not quite sure in what refernce is needed to get the URL
@Stabbathehut, Hey
click on this post below, it might have a solution for your problem, they have also attached an example workflow, let me know if it helps:
Do you want any particular detail URL
If yes which particular detail?
Unzip this folder and run the workflow, let me know if it works.
Example.zip (16.1 KB)