Get the only specific word with camelcase

Hi I want only this word in upper and lower case. Just stick with sentence only. Using the Regex can you help plz.

@lakshman Plz help bro

Information Technology Infrastructure Library

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Buddy @balkishan
May i know which word or letter you need from this sentence
Information Technology Infrastructure Library

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Hi @balkishan,

You can use the below mentioned regex for this scenarios. in matches activity to find out the match.
(?:Information\ Technology\ Infrastructure\ Library)

Shiva Karthik

Complete bro, this is specific so I need complete and I don’t want to fetch related to this, and one more I need ITIL words also,
Hope you understand

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This is Camelcase… First letter in each word would be upper case and rest of letters will be lower case. This is called camelcase.
StringValue = “Information Technology Infrastructure Library”
(StrConv(StringValue.TrimStart.TrimEnd, VbStrConv.ProperCase))

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