i need to pass variables (subject) from excel,where i have given my condition in if
i need to pass my condition in term of row(0).to string format any suggestions? thanks in advance
i need to pass variables (subject) from excel,where i have given my condition in if
i need to pass my condition in term of row(0).to string format any suggestions? thanks in advance
@priyankavivek Use send outlook mail message activity and in the body property pass excel row variable
yes can i knw how to pass the variable in if condition?
As per my understanding, you need to pass subject of your mail based on the requirement. Am i right?
You can do these steps :
@priyankavivek Can you specify why you are trying to pass if condition?
usually in if condition we can pass any variable in a form of EXPRESSION only and the output of that expression should be a BOOLEAN value
so we can pass the value from excel like how you mentioned row(“subjectcolumnname”).ToString but it must be equated to any value with a conditional operator like this
can i have a view on the that full loop activity a screenshot if possible
cheers @priyankavivek
I am having three kinds of subject , i need to pass these as a variable in if condition using OR operator. And those subject , attachment only i need to save.
How to pass subject as variable?
Am getting that variable from value from excel
Hope this will help @priyankavivek,
You can do that in vice versa also.
First loop through the excel rows and check the mail subject matches the excel data
getting an error
i have given the condition like
item.subject = config(0)(2).tostring or item.Subject = row(1)(1).tostring
but the error i got is implicit conversion from string to boolean. any suggestions?
what are you trying to do with this?
Can you change that to row(“column Name”).tostring …
Column Name is the column heading in excel …
If config is also a data table, then do one thing …
trying with or conditions
Can you explain a bit?
trying with OR conditions
Use this as a reference… may be it has the entire things you need to do…
DataTablesAndExcel.xaml (8.2 KB)
@priyankavivek …
Does this solve your issue @priyankavivek,
Let me know if you have any doubts
iam trying now will share if any problems still exist thankyou
Sure… @priyankavivek
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