Get Outlook Mail Messages gets Subject but not Body

So I am wanting to simply get access to the content of my emails in Outlook. I set up the Get Outlook Mail Messages tool, created a “For Each” loop, and below is the attached snippet of my workflow within the “For Each” loop:

Note that the blue ticks indicate that that program outputs the intended value. The red cross indicates that the content is empty (Message Box just outputs a blank), and the final Log Message appears to be False(Indicate that the email is not an HTML).

Can someone help me troubleshoot this, assuming that since the subject is extracted correctly, there isn’t an issue with my “For Each” loop? Could it be that I’m incorrectly obtaining the body of the email? Or could it be due to some settings within Outlook that for security reason doesn’t allow an external program to read/write emails?

Hi @JoshPath,
If its outlook email.Body.Tostring() will work fine.
Please check the mail body manually blank or image present


Nope, the above still fails to work. Also yes, it is a pure text email.

Hi @JoshPath,
Refer below link

Unable to get the text message from the mail - #6 by nimin


Thank you! But neither System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(mail.Headers("HTMLBody"),"(<.*?>)|({.*})","") nor does mail.Headers("PlainText") work as seen in the snippet above.

Is it possible to post an attachment of the email here so we can test it from our side if its okay with you?