Hello all,
I will start out by saying this might not be possible.
My current flow gets outlook mail messages from the last 30 days from multiple inboxes which can be over 10000, and checks for changes in categories and outputs to a spreadsheet. The flow usually fails after a few hours because it’s so large.
Is there a way to use the filter in get outlook mail messages to look at the spreadsheet and tell the bot to only look for the matching sender and subject from the spreadsheet.
This does not work “[Subject] = '” & row(“Subject”).ToString & “’ AND [SenderEmailAddress] = '” & row(“Sender”).ToString & “'”.
For example: If the spreadsheet has the sender “John” and the subject “Finish report”, I do not want the bot to check 10000 emails to find it, rather the bot has the filter to only look for the sender and subjects from the spreadsheet and updates only those categories.