condition 1:where mail subject contains invoice 22-09-19
or my mail subject would be invoice alone.
all the date except the first and third one which is blank remaining is from ELSE part
So in THEN part the first one has a mail subject of your nam and got into THEN part where the subject has a date in it
While for third one has no date it seems
That’s why showing blank
The Split method must be checked once
Can I have a view on the Split method once if possible
Cheers @priyankavivek
1st and 3 rd mail alone is correct from the filtered mailid , where it retriving other mail dates (elsepart)apart from given specific mail id.
text.Substring(text.IndexOf("Invoice ")+"Invoice ".Length).Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray)(0)
for getting the current date : Now.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)
“[senderemailaddress] = ‘’ “ its not working!!! i have given in filter property and if condition i have given item.subject.contains(“”)
Hmmm ok
your syntax looks correct
kindly check once with the sender mail id and is another property in the property panel of get outlook mail activity is enabled like
–if onlyunreadmessage is enabled we need to have atleast one unread mail from that user
–and as a final try go for the username instead of email id like use
“[From] = ‘username’”
hope this would help you
Cheers @priyankavivek
yes those are correct,if the filter in outlook mail activity " [subject]=‘invoice’"
and in if condition i gave item.from.address.contins(“”)
then the output result is correct where i can get the desired output.
but when i need to filter based on the emaild id in filter property ,and in if condition i gave item.subject.contains(“invoice”), but i donot get output can you please explain them .thanks!
May I know what was mentioned in filter property with From Method
Cheers @priyankavivek
"[senderemailaddress]=‘’‘’ in filter property
or condition i have tried is “[from]=‘username’” used both condition to check.
thanks for your reply,i got solution ,error is because of
condition : “[senderemailaddress]=‘’”
it should be mentioned like “[SenderEmailAddress]=‘’”