Hello, I have a problem with the get IMAP and the credentials.
I couldn’t input the orchestrator credential (secure string) in the property field “password” so I’ve tried this:
I have a question,
I read 2 things about the assets (config)
The more I read the more I get confused
Do I need to write the asset name from orchestrator in the settings sheet or in the assets sheet in Config.
@E_lanotte Then I believe you must have used Get Credential to get the Username and password, and you wanted to Convert the Secure String Password to String, Am I right ?
If that’s the case I don’t think you need to have a cnversion to SecureString since the password From Get Credential will be already in a Secure String format.
You just need to convert the password from Get Credential activity into a String type.
@E_lanotte Also if possible can you show me the flow that you have designed in your Workflow. It might be easier to Solve, Right from the Get Credential Activity.
@E_lanotte You don’t need the first assign after the Get Credential Activity. You just need the Second Assign in this way :
password_str = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(String.Empty,password).Password
Where password is the password Output from Get Credential Activity.