How to display the latest entry from data service in UiPath studio as variable? And how to convert data service entity type to a variable?
there is no activity such as “get entity records”
how to fetch the last entry from data service entity?
the entity record returns list of entity types. how to convert it into a variable?
List of entitiesis the variable type
To get latest order the records by creationdate
the query entty record activity returns the output as “list ”. How to convert it into a variable and get the latest value form the list?
will give the latest value…as the sroting is already based on creationtime …the first record will be the latest
it gives me “entityName.entityName”. Do i need to convert to data table as well?
you dont need to convert or anything
its a single entity
signlevariable = listvar.First
if you do singlevariable.
then you would see all column names and you can get any entity column value for that record
name.first will give full entity…as youa re using log message it is showing the type of variable…
you need to use the columnn ame or id after that
use below in log
this will id of the record, similarly you can get all other columns also
yes, working now. Thank you so much
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